Marvel avengers - mission 02 - “A Loki entrance” 



This was my first Lego title that I worked on, I was fortunate to be given a full level and have full ownership.

A level for a LEGO game is broken up into sections such as A, B, and C (Intro, midsection, and boss.)

I was tasked with the with scripting and building the lego mechanics for “A Loki Entrance”, the

second level set after the prologue mission. The level was already designed, I needed to script all the

gameplay sections and overall level navigation throughout.

See below for detailed information.

PS4, PS3, XBOX One, Xbox 360, PC,

Tools Used:

Custom Level Editor & Tools, Maya


6+ months

Team Size:


Role :

Technical Level Designer

Gameplay video

Here is the full playthrough of the quest. The video contains all scripting and level buliding I was responsible for.

Running time 15 Minutes, 04 seconds

Marvel avengers - mission 05 - “Helicarrier Havoc”


The Helicarrier exterior level is the third section of the overall level which takes place during the events of the

avengers film where Captain America and Ironman have to repair the main engines.

The main structure for the level was to make it interesting as possible to tie in with the film correctly.

By using of a side scrolling based platforming level this worked best as it varied up the use of puzzles and

player events happening throughout the level. 

I was tasked with scripting the gameplay and building the lego for the relevant mechanics.

See below for detailed information.


PS4, PS3, XBOX One, Xbox 360, PC,

Tools Used:

Custom Level Editor & Tools, Maya


3+ months

Team Size:


Role :

Technical Level Designer

gameplay video

Here is the full playthrough of the quest. The video contains all scripting and level buliding I was responsible for.

Running time 04 Minutes, 41 seconds

Marvel avengers - mission 09 - “ready a.i.m fire”


The “Ready A.I.M Fire” mission follows the events, from Ironman 3 motion picture. By switching between the

boy Harley Keener and Tony Stark the primary goal is to defeat Ellen Brandt. The level is sectioned off into

three parts, 2 main puzzles are towards the left side of the level, an additional 2 puzzles are towards the right

side of the level. Completing each side will grants access to a blockade which can be attempted by Tony Stark.

Once destroyed Ellen Brandt will appear for the first time with some goons to defeat which lasts 3 waves,

when injured she runs into the cafe which then starts the main boss fight.

See below for detailed information.


PS4, PS3, XBOX One, Xbox 360, PC,

Tools Used:

Custom Level Editor & Tools, Maya


3+ months

Team Size:


Role :

Technical Level Designer

gameplay video


Level Design & Building

  • Adjust level geometry to improve player movement flow and line of sight.

  • Build level geometry using custom modular library within Maya to keep to correct metrics.

  • Work with game designer to make sure the overall vision was met.

  • Place level objects.

  • Worked with sound designer to adjust the SFX were at the right time for key game play events.


  • Hooked up and designed all puzzle animations throughout level.

  • Scripted player movement cameras and camera areas to highlight relevant mechanics.

  • Objective tasks.

  • Hooked up animations throughout levels ( falling debris, prop destruction anims, number puzzle panel screens, car animation states and much more.. )

  • Utilise redirection techniques that guide the player to the proper direction through the level.

  • Custom scripted for all Lego puzzles iterations throughout level.


  • Optimising Lego meshes to aid level run more efficient during all puzzle sections and other game play interactions fearing LEGO.

  • Worked with environment, VFX and mechanics team to insure optimisations were also efficient throughout during the level.